Refund Policy

Please note that any refund is at the discretion of Parker Rhodes Hickmotts Solicitors. We have the right to refund any online payment if your payment is not on account of our fees or in relation to an invoice. We may charge an administration fee for any sums refunded. This policy does not affect return of funds paid on account which will be handled in accordance with our standard Terms of Engagement.

All refunds will be processed as soon as your original payment has cleared in our account. This can take 3-5 working days.

In the event that any payment is to be refunded Parker Rhodes Hickmotts Solicitors will endeavour to make the refund payment back to the credit/debit card from where the payment was made. If for any reason the payment cannot be made to the originating card for reasons outside the Firm's control a cheque refund will be made to the cardholder.

If you need any assistance regarding:
(a) payment you have made; or
(b) payment you would like to make; or
(c) a payment to a third party such as a Bank.

Please contact us for further information on 01709 511100 or email